Acumens e-Mailing for Armada EQM Rental

Acumens e-Mailing for Armada EQM Rental is an app for Dynamics 365 Business central, and Dynamics NAV enables you to send emails using customizable templates tailored to various EQM functional areas. This feature allows for efficient and targeted communication with customers, enhancing both operational efficiency and customer engagement.

Why Acumens e-Mailing for Armada EQM Rental?

Acumens e-Mailing is a critical resource for managing your email needs for your clients directly in Business central. It ensures uniform and standardized email templates and signature formats while also allowing the flexibility of varying the templates per document. By doing all this inside your core system, the app empowers you to take control of your emails with ease.

Key Features:

    1. Support for all Rental documents: These include Rental contracts, Rental invoices, rental shipments, Collections and posted documents, customer reminders. You can send singular emails or in batches
    2. e-Mail Signatures: e-mail signatures can be individual signatures or signatures that depend on department, division, location, department, business unit or companywide.
    3. Sender e-Mail address: Sender addresses can be personal so that email response is received in personal mailboxes. The sender’s e-mail address can be set up for a department, division, location, department, business unit or companywide so that responses are received in a shared mailbox.
    4. e-Mail Cards – Users can define and differentiate how different documents emails are generated and sent to the users/ customers. You can specify the default email card for each document type supported by this feature. This will enable the user to send the email without choosing a template. A custom template can also be selected every time an email is being sent
    5. Multiple Recipient Addresses– You can configure multiple people to receive a specific email. The address could be both internal and external. You can also define whether the address with be on the: To, CC or BCC section
    6. Custom Layouts – Word templates layout templates are used which allow for easy customization. Templates can be setup for department, division, location, department, business unit or companywide. Different layouts can also be defined for different emails
    7. Document Attachment -The app supports document attachment from User machine, Shared/Network drive & Azure blob storage. Multiple attachments can also be attached to an email being sent
    8. PDF Document Merge – Multiple pdf email attachments can be merged into one, using an API before sending them to a client.
    9. Test Mode – The application can easily be turned on to test mode via setup. This helps when there is a need to review peculiar emailing issues /behavior